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PAIRING 1: SL Wyandotte Bantams

This is Day One of the March Madness poultry judging. For previous pairings, instructions, and a copy of the bracket, please see our other "blog" posts.

Starting the March Madness off with an easier pairing: two Silver Laced Wyandottes, one male and one female. A judge could be looking at a pairing like this when determining the best of variety, or if a breed has very few varieties entered, best of breed. For this bracket, the two birds represent the Rose Comb Clean Legged (RCCL) class for our bantams. Choose the best of the two to advance in the bracket and comment your reasonings below.

Thank you to Nadia Konesko for providing images of her breeders!

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Male is all around a nicer bird super clean lacing in the chest and i like how hes shorter in the body. Female a bit to long in the tail and has some smutt (discoloration) in the saddle leading into her primary tail feathers. Male is a much better representstion of the breed but from the angle of the picture he is missing the back part of the blade of his comb. This sets him down below the female whose consistancy in the lacing color gets her through to the next round

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Nice explanation and I like your thought process. The hen is also significantly older than the cock (likely making the difference in conditioning).

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