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PAIRING 9: Bantam Brahmas

This is Day Nine of the March Madness poultry judging. For previous pairings, instructions, and a copy of the bracket, please see our other posts here.

Bantam Buff Brahmas: 3BM and 3BF

Patrick PJ--this one is for you! Couldn't fit large fowl, but was able to find some bantams that worked quite nicely in the bracket. Bantam brahmas are a pretty common competitor in the feather-legged class, and for good reason. As miniature gentle giants, they tolerate show cages well, lay decently, and are sizeable enough to still be worth raising for meat. These two are competing for the best feather leg in an otherwise normally large class. Pay close attention to type and structure, but do not disregard the color on these two as well.

Which would you choose for Best Featherleg, and why?

Thank you to Jimmy Church for providing images of his breeders!

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