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PAIRING 11: Call Duck

This is Day Eleven of the March Madness poultry judging. For previous pairings, instructions, and a copy of the bracket, please see our other posts here.

Call Ducks: BOF42 and BOM45

Call ducks, again originating from Mallards, are believed to come from the Netherlands. They were bred for their loud, (slightly obnoxious), distinctive high-pitched calls that were used to lure in wild ducks to hunter's traps, possibly as early as the 1600s. Their name originally was "decoy duck", the Dutch word meaning to trap or to cage. Calls have since gained a large following in the showroom, as their small size and pet characteristics make them tolerate the cages well, and despite their mediocre laying abilities, they have won more shows in the APA than any other duck breed. These two closely resemble the wild mallards as grey calls.

Which would you choose for Best Call, and why?

Thank you to Ken and April Miskimon for providing images of their breeders!

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