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PAIRING 10: Buff Orpington

This is Day Ten of the March Madness poultry judging. For previous pairings, instructions, and a copy of the bracket, please see our other posts here.

Buff Orpingtons: BOF42 and BOM45

Orpingtons are another heavy meat bird in the standard. Created from a concoction of Langshan, Minorca, Rocks, and Cochin, they are known for being gentle largefowl giants. They got their start in the Boston Show in 1890, and became popular at the Madison Square Garden show a few years later. Pay attention to the feathering on this breed--the standard notes that unlike the cochins, they should not have excess fluff and should look true to their actual (extremely large) size, They should in every way, be described as "massive".

Which would you choose for Best of Class English, and why?

Thank you to Bryant's Roost for providing images of her breeders!

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I looked at this class very briefly this morning, and now later in the evening I get to study them more. In the morning I determined that the female would be ahead of the class because of the fullness of her shape. Yet as I study her more, she does have some flaws. Her coloring is very light, almost pale, and I would like to see a more rich, even color to her plumage. I also would like to see a more level back and tail. There is not supposed to be an angle at the tail and back conjunction. She is also carrying her tail down. The other thing about her is that she has an almost Cochin like…

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