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JUDGING 8: Rosetta

These are the comments and results of Day Eight of the March Madness poultry judging. For previous pairings, instructions, and a copy of the bracket, please see our other "blog" posts. All of the participant comments are available on our FB page and previous posts here.

Breanna's Comments:

I know it's a bit out of order, I am still waiting on the comments from Mr. Decker for Day 7 but know many of you are waiting for results!

This one for me was harder to judge, mainly because Rose2 is on an uneven surface, which throws her stance and posture off a bit and makes it harder to compare. You can obviously see that they are from the same lines due to the consistency of the wing and back markings and face. I tend to believe that Rose9 is younger than Rose2, and Rose2 is likely female.

I have my own personal bias--I like the shape of Rose9 better than Rose2. To me, Rose9 has that classic quail structure, a nice wing tuck, and pear shape that I like to see, though she isn't as neatly conditioned. However, when it comes to production, Rose2 just will outperform Rose9. The face is larger, though the stance is weird, the feet are larger, thicker of bone, and will support more overall weight. The topline is long and straight, a trait you want in every livestock and market species for meat capacity. Bottom line is deep on both birds, but Rose2 can support more meat due to her frame than Rose9 so she has to take first today.

Top Participant Evaluations:

"Even though ROSE9 is a bit out of condition I prefer the type and downward-sloping back over that of ROSE2 who is too horizontal. Also I think the head is better shaped on ROSE9 though I think ROSE2 has a better, sturdier beak. ROSE2 appears to be a bit plumper which is better but because it has the proper type, ROSE9 will take the win for me."

-Jada Spiegel

"Rose 2 is the winner in my eyes. They are deeper in body with beautiful clean curves making up the shape. The head is more powerful. Condition is way nicer with every feather present and in place.

Rose 9 is out of feather a bit in the back and vent area. This is breaking up those clean curves and making it look to be less substantial overall."

-Dave Pauls

"Rose2 has better feather condition, and appears to be more upright in general stance (you don't want weak legs or scooting) but it could just be pictures. The neck in Rose2 is a little long in my opinion but that is slightly more seen in roos- at least by me lol, and Rose2 may also have a slight bump in the slope on the back? Rose2 also overall looks to be compact between chest and tail and may be lacking somewhat in space between pelvis and breast bone whereas Rose9 looks to have good elongation. I prefer the bulk, and back slope of Rose9. Also the distinction between forhead and beak on Rose9 is better defined, and the beak is also the correct length. Rose2 has a slightly short beak. Rose9 is overall more filled out (but hens tend to be more than roos- not knowing sex in Rosetta makes it harder to compare like kind) overall I would choose Rose9. And pictures are hard, haha!! Live assessment always gives better insight."

-Jen Jordan

Breeder Comments:

"Conditioning is better with Rose2, and I prefer the beak and eye shape of Rose2 over Rose9, but they’re only slightly better. For production, I’d want a fuller bird like Rose9. She appears to have nice slope to the back and a good upright posture - able to carry her weight. While Rose2 is very pretty, Rose9 would be my choice for this show."

-Rebecca Lynch

Judge's Evaluations:

"ROSE2 takes first, and ROSE9 takes second. " -Judge Brian Decker

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