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JUDGING 3: Welsh Harlequins

These are the comments and results of Day Three of the March Madness poultry judging. For previous pairings, instructions, and a copy of the bracket, please see our other "blog" posts. All of the participant comments are available on our FB page and previous posts here.

Breanna Comments: (Because I don't feel "official" enough to be an editor!)

It was fun watching everyone for this duck pairing! This was the first day that there started to be a bit more conversations around the different placings, and it was lovely to see. I'm not going to lie, I'm not as comfortable with ducks, so it was a good feeling to fall in line with Mr. Decker's judging. The standard of perfection is a great thing to fall back on when you are faced with a harder decision. It was also interesting to read some of the contradicting comments, where people had different interpretations of the "tubular" description in the standard. Nice job all around, whether you agree with Mr. Decker's placing or had switched the two around--I hope to see more of the same conversations keep happening on the future posts!

Top Participant Evaluations:

"Both are awesome. I'm going to say the drake. He has a nice tubular shape. Perfect bill color. Standing at a good angle and his shoulders tie in well. To me the duck is a bit dark around the head/top breast area. I look for a lighter honey color with stipling on the top of the crown. It depends on how you interpret the standard and what the judge likes. Older ducks get darker with age and it depends on feather age/stages as well."

-Heather Mercer

"I had to pull out my Standard because I am not so good with ducks, but it was the hen from the beginning for me. Overall, longer and more tubular shape than the drake and her eyes are higher in her head. Welsh Harlequins are a fairly slender breed."

-Jada Spiegel

"I’m going to choose WHF72. They are both really nice but WHF72 win this round for me....There is nothing wrong with the drake at all, both are great representations of the breed. I just like the female colors over the male, also the body of the female is a little bit better."

-Austin Noah

"When looking at this class and interpreting the standard, they both fit quite nicely. I personally believe that the female has the better structure to her while the male has the better coloring. The only thing that makes me hesitant to place the female above the male is because of the collar. From the picture it doesn’t look complete, if that is correct, it would result as a defect."

-Nicholas Peters

Breeder Comments:

No breeder feedback yet on these two, will post an update if Mr. Rupp comments on them!

Judge's Evaluations:

"The male (WHM77) takes first, while the female (WHF72) takes second." Judge Brian Decker.

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