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JUDGING 1: SL Wyandotte Bantams

Updated: Mar 4

These are the comments and results of Day One of the March Madness poultry judging. For previous pairings, instructions, and a copy of the bracket, please see our other "blog" posts.

This pairing was quite the challenge! It shows just a few of the struggles that judges face when comparing two photos, especially when the bird can't physically be handled or seen. The comments were split down the middle as to which bird should win out.

Top Participant Evaluations:

"Look at the photos my placings would be [Milo] then [Coconut]. First looking at the pros of the female, she's got great color, nice lacing through her wings, a nice stiff tail, and not overly fluffy in her cushion. She lacks in back length and shank length and overall her condition is poor in the photo.

Leading into the top bird: the male has a beautiful Wyandotte type, a very nice head, and a fairly nice color. I'd like to see a tad more lacing in those wings, a heavier color in the saddle, and a bit tighter wings but because of Condition, Vigor and balance the Silver laced male MILO takes this class [for me]." -Blake Bell

"Based on these pictures I would say Coconut is the better of the two. Coconut has a better color throughout. Her tail set is good. She holds her wings better than Milo. She’s a bit short in leg, but looks to have nice yellow legs. Milo has decent body color. His wing set is a little low." -Ken Miskimon Jr.

Breeder Comments:

"I have a bit of an advantage because these are my birds and I hold them often but I do like to judge them myself to get a feel of what I need to improve on.

I am happy with both. [Coconut's] color is definitely nice and wide lacing, in a breeding aspect, her structure is better, especially in patterned birds. They aren’t far from standard color, which is a plus, but personally, Milos's structure is nice and his condition is better (also due to his younger age). Coconut is a 5-year-old hen, still in decent shape but her condition is starting to lack and her show potential is diminishing. I also like to look at the backs and tails of Wyandottes. Milo has a good back length, and both have tails that are stiff and not curvy (like a cochin's).

I appreciate all the judging and thank you Bre Patz for contacting me about pictures!"

-Nadia Konesko, Breeder

Judge's Evaluations:

"Milo takes first place and Coconut takes second. Milo has an overall better type with sharper lacing." Judge Brian Decker

Thank you to Nadia Konesko for providing images of her breeders!

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