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Part Affected

Autosomal, Incomplete Dominant




Position 995



Scientific Gene

Quick Look:


The splash mutation in coturnix quail, located on the S locus (EDNRB2) (2)(1), was first recognized, isolated, and named by Tamara Roswell in late 2019 to early 2020 in Australia (1). This mutation has likely existed for much longer but was only recently identified. Testing has shown that splash shares a locus with the dotted white mutation (1), meaning a quail can be either entirely English White or homozygous Splash, but not both. Splash is entirely separate from Tuxedo or other English White variations (1)(2)(3).

Splash works similar to mottling in chickens and somewhat like progressive pied, with chicks often hatching almost entirely white, with small patches of color that extends out as they grow, then molts out into the typical pattern shown.(1)

It was originally thought to be incomplete dominant, with two separate phenotypes, but later discovered that it wasn't separated from Dotted White at the time and is actually completely recessive. (4) In homozygous form, the bird will have some color through the head and face, and then the entire back will be one strip of color, with some mottling of color through the wings. (1)(4) The majority of the face and breast will be white, with some possible smut throughout.

In homozygous form with Dotted White, the quail will be almost entirely white, with three or more smaller patches of color across the back, and some colored smut through the body and wings being normal. There will be no color through the face or breast. (1)(4)

Splash was originally found in Australia, though it was recently imported into the United States. It is unknown how prevalent it currently is in either country due to people confusing it with White Winged Pied and English White. It is also unknown if it exists in other countries.

Breeding With Splash:

Splash x Splash = 100% Splash

(ss / ss x ss / ss = 100% ss/ss)

Splash x Wildtype = 100% het. Splash

(ss/ ss x ss+/ss+ = 100% ss/ss+)

Splash x het. Splash = 50% Splash, 50% het. Splash

(ss/ss x ss/ss+ = 50% ss/ss, 50% ss/ss+)

Het. Splash x het. Splash = 25% Splash, 50% het. Splash, 25% Wildtype

(ss/ss+ x ss/ss+ = 25% ss/ss, 50% ss/ss+, 25% ss+/ss+)

Het. Splash x Wildtype = 50% het. Splash, 50% Wildtype

(ss/ss+ x ss+/ss+ = 50% ss/ss+, 50% ss+/ss+)

References & Further Reading

  1. M. Tsudzuki, Y. Nakane, N. Wakasugi, M. Mizutani, Allelism of Panda and Dotted White Plumage Genes in Japanese Quail, Journal of Heredity, Volume 84, Issue 3, May 1993, Pages 225–229,

  2. Miwa, M., Inoue-Murayama, M., Aoki, H., Kunisada, T., Hiragaki, T., Mizutani, M. and Ito, S. (2007), Endothelin receptor B2 (EDNRB2) is associated with the panda plumage colour mutation in Japanese quail. Animal Genetics, 38: 103-108.

  3. Roswell, Tamara. (2021, October 10). Locus: S, EDNRB2. [Facebook Group Post]. Coturnix Quail-Colors and Genetics.

  4. Galley, Katya. (2024, Sept. 17). Personal communications with the author.

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