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Part Affected

Autosomal, Recessive






UNKN - Suspected

Scientific Gene

Quick Look:


Pearl (sometimes called Golden Pearl) is a mutation in button quail that causes the females to have a yellow, straw colored plumage with black "v" shaped markings on each feather (1). Males will look very similar to wildtype, though the back markings will be a slightly lighter shade of yellow throughout the back (1). Chicks of both sexes will be a lighty, downy color, and males will be distinguishable at about three weeks of age (1).

It is likely similar to, if not the same mutation, as the Lethal Yellow found in laboratory coturnix (3). The gene in buttons is lethal in homozygous form, and any embryo with two copies of the gene dies in the shell (1). It is not suspected to cause any side affects in heterozygous form, but more studies need to be done to see if Pearl impacts growth rate or other factors.

It is called Golden Pearl on wildtype, and Pearl + mutation (example, Silver Pearl) on other dilutions. (2)

Breeding with Pearl:

Pearl x Pearl = 25% Wildtype, 50% Pearl, 25% Dead in Shell

Pearl x Wildtype = 50% Pearl, 50% Wildtype

Pearl and Other Mutations:

Pearl x Silver = 50% Pearl + Silver Carrier, 50% Silver Carrier

Pearl + Silver Carrier x Silver = 25% Silver Pearl, 25% Pearl + Silver Carrier, 25% Silver, 25% Silver Carrier

Pearl x Pearl + Silver Carrier = 25% Dead in Shell, 25% Pearl + Silver Carrier, 25% Pearl, 12.5% Silver Carrier, 12.5% Wildtype

In general, the same pattern is followed, whether the mutation is Silver or another recessive gene.

References & Further Reading

  1. Landry, Garrie. The Care, Breeding, and Genetics of the Button Quail. Garage Press, 1996.

  2. Landry, Garrie. "Recognized Varieties of Button Quail." Button Quail USA, Accessed 15 July 2024.

  3. Landry, Garrie. (Button quail expert). Personal communications with author. 5/29/2024

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