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Orange Skin


Part Affected

Autosomal, Dominant







Scientific Gene

Quick Look:


Orange skin is a suspected new mutation discovered by Tamara Roswell in the early 2020s. The gene most notably causes the bird to have orange feet, and when butchered, will have vibrant orange skin across the carcass. It presents with no currently known health issues, and has been suggested to be a single factor, autosomal recessive, though this isn't confirmed and is still in testing. It has only been seen on Oz Snowy in this line, though it is unknown and unlikely to be linked.

It is unknown how prevalent this mutation is outside of the line in Australia, and it has never been formally studied in a lab. Orange feet have been documented across Europe, though it is unknown whether this is a similar or separate mutation or how common it is. More research needs to be done.

Breeding with Orange Skin:

Note: this is just a suspected breeding map, as it is unknown whether this mutation is linked to any plumage genes or even if it is a confirmed autosomal dominant mutation.

Orange Skin x Orange Skin = 100% Orange Skin

Orange Skin x White Skin = 100% Orange Skin (Het).

Orange Skin x Orange Skin (Het) = 50% Orange Skin, 50% Orange Skin (het).

Orange Skin (Het) x Orange Skin (Het) = 25% Orange Skin, 50% Orange Skin (het), 25% White Skin

Orange Skin (Het) x White Skin = 50% Orange Skin (Het), 50% White Skin

References & Further Reading

  1. Roswell, Tamara. Breeder of Orange Skinned Quail. Personal communications with the author

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